About Mara Dorne

Mara Dorne, a resilient mother, wife, and self- made millionaire, emerged from adversity to revolutionize her industry. Having led over 1500 agents nationwide throughout her career, she is committed to leadership development and helping others forge their own path through authenticity. She stands out at conferences and seminars, sharing her insights on servant leadership—a philosophy that prioritizes the growth and well-being of people and community. Through her teachings, Mara connects like-minded entrepreneurs, by fostering a culture of support, collaboration, and shared success.

Mara Dorne

Women Empowerment

Empowering women is key to equality and progress, unlocking societal potential by championing rights and amplifying voices. It's about breaking barriers, creating an inclusive world where every woman's strength is recognized and celebrated.


Family is the vibrant heart of our existence, endlessly nurturing us with love, unwavering support, and a treasure trove of shared moments. It molds our identity and values, providing a perpetual haven of comfort and connection as we navigate the rich tapestry of life's diverse adventures.


Entrepreneurship is a vibrant journey of turning visions into realities, marked by adaptability, resilience, and relentless goal pursuit. It embodies a passionate drive to innovate, contribute to progress, and transform ideas into impactful realities, shaping our future.

Health and Fitness

Discover a brand committed to your well-being, where health and fitness interlace, fostering vitality for a fulfilling life. Embrace a journey of wellness, blending care with innovation to nurture both physical and mental health, aiming for a balanced, vibrant lifestyle.

My Book

Perfect Imperfections is more than just a book to me. My vision is to normalize talking about our vulnerabilities, the inner voices in our heads that often aren’t very kind. We are our own worst critics, and worse, sometimes, women hold back the very sisters they really need to extend a hand to. Having fears and doubts doesn’t make you less or smaller. You are the person in charge of what you tell yourself. And I’m not saying this book is an instant cure-all. That suddenly, your shitty self-talk will evaporate, and you will only tell yourself loving and encouraging things. It takes time. I look in the mirror and see my aging face, and while my self-talk isn’t perfect, I am aware of it. I am changing it to love me more. Now, it’s your turn.

Mara Dorne


Mara’s Key to Success

In a world that often throws unexpected challenges and obstacles our way, the ability to remain confident in the face of uncertainty is a powerful trait that can pave the way for success...

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JAN 15

Lessons from Mara

In an ever-evolving world where change is the only constant, the journey of Mara Dorne stands as a testament to the power of courage, commitment, consistency, and competency. Her transit...

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JAN 17

Comfortable with Uncomfortable

Mara Dorne’s transformation from an uncertain newcomer in the insurance industry to a respected leader is not just a story of success. it’s a deep dive into the psychological journey of...

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JAN 17


Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success

Join the journey of entrepreneur-turned-role model, Mara Dorne, as she inspires a new generation of entrepreneurs to chase their dreams and achieve new heights in their lives...

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DEC 19

One Family At a Time

Mara Dorne is a Regional Sales Leader at US Health Advisors Agent, a health insurance company committed to helping its clients get coverage with tailor-made insurance for their needs...

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FEB 16

Dr. Phil : Mara Dorne

Mara was featured on Dr.Phil’s Primetime as he discussed the controversial Tradwife Movement. Mara shared insight on the dynamics, controversies, and insights surrounding traditional gender roles in modern society.

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I Am Unbreakable Podcast

Life's journey is often unpredictable, a tapestry woven from the threads of our choices, circumstances, and the indomitable human spirit. This is the story of one woman's remarkable journey through adversity, reinvention, and success. Her name is Mara Dorne

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APR 13

Legacy & Billions Podcast

In this exciting episode hosted by Chris Diaz, join special guest Mara Dorne as they dive into a captivating discussion on resilience, leadership, and embracing authenticity. Mara Dorne, a Regional Sales Director, Speaker, & Coach brings her unique perspective and insights to the table, making this episode a must-watch for all viewers.

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MAY 13

Real Business Owners

Mara Dorne shares her incredible journey from being the youngest agent in her field to now leading a successful organization. Join Trevor and Kale as Mara reflects on her evolution, offering invaluable lessons on persistence, genuine leadership, and the continual pursuit of growth.

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DEC 28

Book Mara

Ready to step into your power and lead with confidence? You’re in the right place!

Whether you're interested in having me speak at one of your events, joining my community, or attending my upcoming workshop —- I’d love to hear from you.

Drop me a message below and let’s connect!